Roles to play in soul winning

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.(1 Corinthians 3:6)
In the past two weeks we have looked at soul winning and the main reasons we should be soul winners, today I want us to look at the roles we can play in the mission of winning souls for God.
Apostle Johnson Suleman once said “in the kingdom of God there are three P’s, the preaching army, the praying army, and the paying army.” He later on said that” you are supposed to go and preach but if you cannot then pay for somebody to go and preach and if you can’t pay, pray for those who are going to preach.”
In a nutshell those are the roles one can play in the mission of winning souls but I’ll explain each one of the roles so that we can have better understanding of them.
Roles to be played in soul winning
1. Preaching
Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”( Matthew 28:18-28:20)
The Lord our saviour, Jesus Christ has instructed us to preach the Gospel to everyone but this doesn’t mean all of us should be pastors. Preaching is not something reserved only for the church pulpit and conferences or where a large number of people are gathered. That’s why just about anyone can do it, you can preach to one person at a time or even two at a time and you’ll still be seen as a preacher by God. There shouldn’t be a special time for preaching because we are to seize every moment we can get to preach to someone, there is no preaching manual as long as the end result is that someone heard the Gospel. You can even preach by having a conversation or by answering a question. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.(Acts 8:30-31).
You don’t have to be T.D Jakes or Joyce Mayer for you to preach to people, find what works for you and use it for the glory of God.
2. Pray for souls to be won
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.(Matthew 9:37-38)
As believers we are used to the custom of praying but many of us are very selfish in prayer, we only ask God to give us material things, money, cars and houses, which isn’t wrong as long as they will benefit the kingdom of God.
Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.(2 Thessalonians 3:1-2)
We are supposed to pray for those who are not born again and also those who are going to preach because our prayers make a huge difference and may be the reason why a soul is won or a missionary is not killed. And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.(Luke 22:31-32).
The prayers of Jesus saved Peter, our prayers should be extended to others. We need to learn to pray for others especially for them to be saved and delivered.
3. Pay for people to go and preach
I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life.(Philippinians 4:2-3)
In age of giving to charities for some reason many Christians have decided to take a step backwards by not participating in any form of giving. Today we have mainly two types of Christians, those who only give at church and those who don’t give at all. It’s only a few believers that give in the house of God and to their neighbour. Today the issue of tithe is a problem to many and others only give in the house of God because they expect God to give them something in return.
And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold (Acts 4:32-34)
Ladies and gentlemen, if you truly serve God then your finances must also participate in your servitude.Since not all of us can go to foreign countries and preach, then those who can’t go should pay for those who are going. We need to understand that those who are going also need to eat and have families and since they sacrificed their livelihoods for God, we should support them with our finances.
In conclusion I want us to realise that we can play at least two or even three roles because as believers we can use some of our money to finance the Gospel and also pray for the expansion of the kingdom. Let us make up our minds to participate in winning souls for God and bring glory to His name.

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