Soul winning

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.( Proverbs 11:30)

I’d like to welcome you all you the first softteachings message for 2019, let this be the year we focus more on doing the work of the Lord, grow in our faith and spirit.

Soul winning is something many of us have left for only the pastors, prophets, evangelists and teachers of the Word, and this happens because many of us believe that the job for preaching is for those whom God has called To be in the fivefold ministries, but the truth is that those who are in the fivefold ministries are supervisors and they supervise US (me and you). Jesus died for everybody so it stands to reason that anyone who has received Him should also testify of Him and the good works He has done.

Ladies and gentlemen preaching the gospel is advertising the Kingdom of God and there is no body who does not advertise one product or another, because any product or service we recommend or speak good of we are basically advertising that product or service, hence neither of us has any excuse for not being apart of the soul winning work force. You don’t have to be called a minister or pastor to share the Word because we are all called to do it despite your position in society. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.( Mark16:15-16)

For many are called, but few are chosen.( Matthew 22:14)

The above scripture is loved by those who preach and those who don’t, those who preach us this verse to make themselves feel special while the latter uses it as an excuse for not preaching the gospel. You don’t have to be in a church or surrounded by tens, hundreds or thousands of people for you to preach one is more than enough, Rome wasn’t built one day but everyday a new brick as added to it, even in the Kingdom a soul a day is great progress. This is just an introduction I’ll continue to share more on this topic on Thursday but before I conclude let me share something a dear friend once shared with me concerning the above verse.

” Many are called but few are chosen, because few respond to the call of God”, this means that the reason there are only a few work in the department of soul winning is because many refuse to obey the Holy Spirit when He tells me to preach to an individual, there is a reason why you are always thinking about a person you saw in your neighborhood who isn’t born again and that reason isn’t for you to laugh or gossip the person but for you to reach out and share the message of salvation through Christ Jesus, ignoring that thought about the person sitting equivalent to disobey the instruction of the Holy Spirit. So my question to you is, will you continue to be disobedient or will you change your ways and obey Him by doing his work.

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;( Matthew 9:37)

Ladies and gentlemen I have created a Facebook page for softteachings, please like the page by thinking here, there will be some things which I’ll only share with you not have Facebook page. Softteachings isn’t a blog but a calling to share the gospel with the masses, so please like the page and she it will you friends.

Am sharing this teaching with you as a tribute to my friend, sister and co-worker in Christ, Zimasa Nikao Dweba, I was thinking of things to do in honour of her memory and the Lord let me to share on soul winning because she was a crash soul winner. May her soul rest in peace.


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